Between alienation and home-coming

Bookinformation: Between alienation and home-coming
The conflict fields of orphans, foster- and adoptive children
1992. 124 Seiten.
Paperback DM 22,00. SFr 24,00. OS 171,60.
ISBN 349406-6624
About the book: Orphans and foster children live through turbulent times, when they are taken out of ther environment.
Adoptive children are hit by the phenomenon 'alienation', when they are informed whose children they are:
  • The secluded organization - a children's prison
  • Not employees are needed, but persons with their own characters as examples who can be imitate
  • So important as food and warmth - a constant parent person
  • A mother isn't really a cukoo! What rights has got a child?
  • Why are the children adopted, although one parent still lives?
  • Alienation and home-coming: time heals all wounds?